Thursday, April 9, 2009

Internet Safety Awareness - doing...

Report on "doing" the Internet Safety Awareness assignment

-->who you talked with (no names are needed - just a brief description of age)
I talked to a mother of five children. Her children are grown up, married, and some now have their own children. She is 55.

-->what you shared and how it went
This woman is a very wise person who was an excellent mother. In her home there was always technology. Her husband was very good at embracing new technologies and teaching giving the children opportunities to learn. Their computers were always in a public place.
She seemed very aware of all the aspects of internet. We discussed different dangers and we came to the conclusion that parents especially, and anybody who uses the internet needs to use common sense and good judgement.
We watched one of the videos on the pbs website, and then we explored my facebook account. It was great fun!
This was a positive experience and it was easy for us to talk about internet safety. It's important to be aware and help parents and the "older" generation know what their children are up to.

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