Friday, April 3, 2009

Internet Safety

This week the assignment was about internet safety. Here are the questions and answers for this weeks posting.

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
“Entertainment and the Media” from For the Strength of Youth pp.17-19
2-4. What were the most important things you learned from the readings? How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth? How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
For me, the answers for questions 2-4 go hand in hand and somewhat overlap, so I will answer them altogether.
These readings reinforced in my mind the importance of taking a stand for our values. In relation to technology and media, I hope to follow the pattern my parents set up as I was growing up. My parents embraced new technology and gave us ample opportunity to use it as well. My childhood experience align with the guidelines and themes in the reading as to how to appropriately use technology in our homes. The guiding principles I got from the articles we are the following:
-teach and educate yourself and your children: know the dangers, the benefits, what to do to be safe, preventative measures
-be aware and proactive: this goes along with the point above, but is more about applying what you know than just knowing. Once you have learned how to appropriately use technology and keep yourself and your children safe, follow through with that knowledge. Use filters, keep the computer in a high traffic area, don’t give out too much information, etc.
I hope to implement these principles as a teacher, and one day, as a parent of youth.

1. Am I aware of the benefits and dangers children face when online with cyber bullying and online predators?
Wow. I was aware before this assignment of the dangers of the Internet, but not to the extent that I am now, after watching some of those videos. It is disgusting and appalling the extent to which some allow themselves to fall prey to those dangers. I was mostly aware of the danger of predators and addictions to games and things like facebook and myspace. After watching these videos I learned more about the dangers of cyberbullying, support for eating disorders, other addictions, etc.
The internet is a powerful tool for good or for bad.

Often, when children and youth are going through difficult times they find it easier to trust and turn to “friends” online than to their real friends and family.
The Internet offers an escape to fit in and be comfortable to explore their identity.
We must be aware and educate our children about the dangers so they can be safe.
2. Where can I go for information and resources that can be used to teach Internet safety?
Here are a few websites I found the most helpful: - This website has videos to educate as well as activities, worksheets, etc to do with youth. - videos about youth’s relationships and interactions online - tips to safety education
3. Am I committed to empowering children by teaching them about internet safety?
Yes. We can and should educate children about the dangers. Show them videos from the resources listed above. Make it real to the children and youth. It’s easy to hear about the dangers and say it could never happen to me, or I wouldn’t do that. Make sure they really understand that the dangers apply to everyone. As a parent, I think the biggest key is to be involved and aware of your children and their lives.
As teacher’s, one idea for an assignment is the following: After watching videos by youth about their experiences play Tracking Teresa, found at Then have each student go through their postings on their blogs, facebook, myspace, chatrooms, etc and gather all the information they can about themselves, as if they were a predator.

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