Saturday, January 17, 2009

RSS, Web 2.0, Goodreads, it's delicious....

Well I have to say adding an RSS feed is pretty sweet. It eliminates all that clicking around to check a bazillion differnt websites. But I have mixed feelings about it. In some wierd way, I kind of like having to check a bunch of different websites. I don't know, maybe I have an internet addiction or something. Or maybe it's just a good way to procrastinate doing other homework assignments you just don't feel like doing.
Delicious and goodreads are pretty useful, too. It's nice to have all your resources save in a place you can access online instead of having to save them to your hard drive, or email account, like I used to do. And it's useful to have a network of others that you can see what they are reading or using and share ideas. hmmm...i guess I kinda like technology! The only think I don't like is having a hundred differnt accounts that you have to remember!


  1. I agree with not liking having to remember a hundred different accounts! Some of my usernames are different so I'm afraid I'm going to get really confused!

  2. You are absolutely right about the accounts. There are some technologies being developed that will allow people to have one account id and password that will allow them to get into multiple places - it will also allow people to use the same profile information (with different levels) from one place rather than having to enter in new profile information each time you get a new account with a new program - watch for it in the next couple of years.
