Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Virtual Tour: Music History

I have spent way longer than it probably should have taken me on this assignment. Copy and paste the link below into your address window to download and take my music history tour in Google Earth! Or, you can find the link under my class links on the right. It is the .kmz file - the only file downloaded on that website. Have fun and I hope you learn something new!



  1. Hey! Your tour was great! It brought back some memories from Humanities 201 and 202! Haha! Great job putting all of those pictures in. I love how they just popped up right there and almost all of them were very large so I could see them well!

  2. Val, this was so cool! That was so sweet! you did a good job on this project! Next time, I definitely need to work with you, b/c i still only have a tiny understanding of google earth! :)

  3. Wow Val! That was awesome! You worked really hard on that and kids would love it! You're great!

  4. You did such a thorough job! I really liked how you included the pictures with the information. Way to go the extra mile Valerie!

  5. My favorite thing about this tour was the pictures you added. I had the hardest time figuring out how to do that, so I was way impressed! Great job!

  6. This looked really great! I thought the pictures were good and well thought out. You might consider adding some research links to wikipedia or to audio files of music by Beethoven as additional enrichment along the tour.
